Yesterday, I had a moment. It was one of those moments I always imagined my “lucky-bitch-self” to be having.
I had the usual part-time working mom morning with lunches to pack and beds to make and assisting with tooth-brushing and picking out clothes for my seven-year old boy while negotiating outfits with my three-year old girl and serving a nutritious breakfast and making sure their backpacks had all their treasures contained safely inside in the “right” pockets and signing the field trip note and throwing $5 in a Zip-loc bag with the note and then into the garage to put on shoes and coats and grab umbrellas just in case and I think I squeezed a shower in there somewhere too.
Just as we were leaving for school and preschool/daycare, my house-cleaner arrived and started her work.
After dropping off the various children to the various locations, I went to the gym. Best Zumba class ever, and one of my friends even showed up! Then off to grab a few essentials from the drug store and finally home to a sparkling house. The cleaner left, and then it was just me, in my gym clothes, after an incredible workout, a leisurely window shopping outing, and with no papers to write or meals to make or laundry to do or presentations to prepare or website to work on or clients to respond to.
I had nothing to do but sit on my favourite chair and look around at my clean house.
Nothing to do.
At all.
And this was my moment.
This was the moment I always imagined I would have as rich woman, or as Denise Duffield- Thomas calls it, a lucky bitch.
And it happened.
I had nothing to do, and nowhere to be. I had no interest in eating or watching television or posting on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter or going for a walk or journaling or scrapbooking or busying up myself in any way.
I just sat there.
And relished in having it all.
My husband often warns me about saying that out loud. “You have to have humility,” he says. And I agree.
I know there are millions of people out there who don’t have what I do. I used to be one of those people. And so it’s not from a place of I-am-better-than-you. It’s simply from a place of if-I-can-do-it-so-can-you.
Because I was a damn slow learner. If I could get this, anyone can.
So today, I want to let you in on my recipe for having it all. It’s just six transformational ingredients. Follow these an add your own personal spice, and you will have it all too.
So that’s it, my secret recipe to having it all. Try it out, and make it your own. You really can have the life you have been dreaming about. You just need to move on now from the dreaming phase into calling it in.
Dr. Saira (she/her) provides mental health support through individual counselling, groups, immersive workshops/courses, and free educational content. Over the last 14 years, we have helped men and women of many backgrounds find answers to their questions about work, life, love, and meaning. Much mainstream psychology overlooks spirituality, family values, and community context, so we have decided to specialize in serving clients who are ready for change and also want to include their cultural values and spiritual beliefs into therapy.
Offering both online and in-person sessions, we are here to help you feel, heal, and grow with grace. Send us a question or book in your free telephone consultation now!